Connect Zapier to Kinde

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ℹ️ This is a beta feature. You need to request access.

You can now create a zap in Zapier that notifies you when an event occurs in Kinde, such as a new user sign up.

You can subscribe to limited Kinde events via Zapier. To access more events, we recommend using webhooks.

Set up the zap in Zapier

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You can create up to 100 zaps connected to Kinde. If you need more, contact us.

  1. In Zapier, go to the Kinde app or accept the beta invitation.
  2. Create a zap and select Kinde as the trigger.
  3. Select which events to subscribe to.
  4. In the Choose account step, select your Kinde account.
  5. Proceed through the authentication steps and give access to your Kinde environment.
  6. Test the trigger to verify the connection.
  7. Finish creating the zap by selecting the action. This might be to create a Slack notification.
  8. Select Continue and test the action.

Zapier will automatically unsubscribe from Kinde notifications when a zap is turned off.

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